Apple Shortcuts


In this tutorial we are going to create a Apple Shortcut to turn on and off a relay connected to a ESP8266, ESP32 or Raspberry Pi using the Sinric Pro API.

Prerequisites :

Please complete Tutorial - Turn on and off a Relay in order to learn how to connect your ESP or Pi to Sinric Pro.

Step 1: Create a new API Key in Sinric Pro

Login to Sinric Portal, select Credentials and click on New API Key click save and Copy the newly created API Key


You can use the curl to send a test request to this API endpoint.

curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{ "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setPowerState", "value": { "state" : "On"} }'

Step 2: Create Apple Shortcut

  1. Create a new shortcut and add the Get Contents of URL action.
  2. In the URL field, enter the URL:
  3. Tap on the Method field and select POST.
  4. Tap on the Body field and add the body of your POST request.
Key Input Type Text
api_key Text Your API key from above.
device_id Text Your device id from the Sinric Pro Portal.
action Text Action to perform. set to setPowerState. Check below for more examples.
value Dictionary Enter state as key and On or Off value.

Tap on play button below to test the request!

Sinric Pro Apple shortcut

Now you can control your ESP8266, ESP32 or Raspberry Pi via Apple Shortcut from home screen.

More examples

Power On or Off:

{ "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setPowerState", "value": { "state" : "On"} }

Garage door open/close:

{ "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setMode", "value": { "mode" : "Open"} }

Blinds open/close:

{ "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setRangeValue", "value": { "rangeValue" : 100} }

Change power level:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setPowerLevel", "value": { "powerLevel": 50 } }

Change brightness:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setBrightness", "value": { "brightness": 50 } }

Trigger doorbell:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "DoorbellPress", "value": {  "state": "pressed" } }

Set target temperature:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "targetTemperature", "value": {  "temperature": 18 } }

Change color:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setColor", "value": {  "color": { "b": 0, "g": 0, "r": 0 } } }

Change color temperature:

    { "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE", "device_id": "YOUR_DEVICE_ID", "action": "setColorTemperature", "value": {"colorTemperature":2700} }

More examples :