
Sends a notification when a button is pressed. You can get the Amazon Alexa to announce and or chime when your doorbell is pressed.

To create a Doorbell:

  1. Log into your SinricPro account.
  2. Click on Devices.
  3. Click on Add Device.
  4. Enter the device name: front door and description: *front doorbell.
  5. Select the device type as Doorbell
  6. Select the Room where the device is located.
  7. Select the Device Access Key. This is the credential your IOT device must use when connecting to SinricPro.
  8. Click Save
  9. Turn on Doorbell Press in Alexa App. (If you are using Alexa)

That’s it.

If you have already linked the Amazon Alexa skill the app will show a popup in your mobile phone.

Sinric Pro alexa esp8266 esp32 doorbell


Now let’s complete the setup process. To do that, you must update the sample sketch with


Sinric Pro C++ SDK:

Complete Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 example is available here

Sinric Pro Python SDK:

Complete Python example is available here

Supported Sinrc Pro actions and events

Supported Alexa capabilities

Supported Google Home Traits

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