Thermostat is used to control the home’s heating and/or air conditioning.
To create a Thermostat:
- Log into your SinricPro account.
- Click on Devices.
- Click on Add Device.
- Enter the device name” thermostat and description: living room thermostat.
- Select the device type as Thermostat
- Select the Room where the device is located.
- Select the Device Access Key. This is the credential your IOT device must use when connecting to SinricPro.
- Click Save
That’s it.
If you have already linked the Amazon Alexa skill the app will show a popup in your mobile phone.
Now let’s complete the setup process. To do that, you must update the sample sketch with
- WiFi credentials
- Copy the selected App key and App Secret in the Step 5 above.
- Copy the device’s ID from Sinric -> Devices.
- Coming soon
Sinric Pro C++ SDK:
Complete Arduino/ESP8266/ESP32 example is available here
Sinric Pro Python SDK:
Complete Python example is available here
Supported Sinrc Pro actions and events
Supported Alexa capabilities
Supported Google Home Traits
- Coming soon
This document is open source. See a typo? Please create an issue